Big Brother and the Emoji
Big Brother and the Emoji I got two [2] gripes. Two [2]. First [1], how social media is gradually corraling us hoi polloi into a vacuous language of emojis. As if we don't already communicate in jargon with conventional words. A social media friend is in the habit of tacking an emoji to my comments. Heck, my own kids, when it even suits them to, give me a thumbs-up; or, if feeling generous, a heart. Pressed on how that says absolutely nothing ... huffs and puffs. Oh, Dad! Not much room for good old fatherly criticism, hey? I get it with the "Like" thumb; thank you Mark Z. You like it. We Like it. I Like it. Just what you like, and what you think you are liking ... who knows. That heart. Nice. But, is the Heart emoticon gonna be a substitute for the real thing? It seems to be taking the love out of love. Just a toss-away item. Attenuated jargon. My issue is that we may be headed for a world of social interaction where we not only have moved away from empty lip-service...