Political Climate Update January 2022
Political Climate Update January 2022 From a social media post January 2021 ... It's not a good day in America when a large swath of the citizenry considers another large swath of their fellows to be so wrong as to not even merit consideration of their point of view. Yet the former is so consumed with fear of totalitarian rule by the latter that it fails to see how that very intolerance it harbors — howsoever justified — could come back and bring their worst fears up from within their own ranks. Mostly what I hear from social media is saying even that makes me into a Trump supporter. And, I hear there are a lot of prominent media types asserting that pro-45 is the same as al Qaeda, Hitler, Stalin, Caligula ... Insert your favorite villain of choice. Thoughts upon hearing actor Sean Penn blasted the 74 million Americans who voted for President Donald Trump in the 2020 election by camparing them to radical Islamic terror group al-Qaeda. Really!? History repeating itself? No! ...