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Dear reader: If you have any additional ideas, or if you have some other point of view ... please, comments are welcome.


Some things for the two candidates to chew on leading up to the upcoming debate. [BTW there are other candidates, but they don't get to debate.]

For President Trump:

Okay, Mr. President, we know you have your way. Ways. The nation is in a love/hate relation with you on that. All that. Let's see you turn a page. Stay focused. Don't swat like a pussy at every feather flutter on a string at the end of a stick. Or, have to fill every rabbit hole with words. An old dog like me knows how to tell if you're lying: those lips are moving. Think about that. Maybe dial back the superlatives too. It's a joke now. HUGE ... joke. And, we give you this ... nobody does it better. Verbum Sap Sat!

While we're mentioning particulars, maybe dial down the scattin' and jivin' off-script riffs. Some love it, but there are those who heretofor don't. Go for their vote too. Tighten it up, Sir. 

And, lose the insults. Again, even though there may be a fit, to many ears it comes off as just plain mean. And, low. The advantage is from the high ground.

We love you for the character you are [well, your base does] but we want to know your character. Specifically, are you a megalomaniacal bossman like the oppostion keeps framing you in their narrative? Gonna take all the power and raw dog the Constitution? Let's clear that one up. Maybe more specificity in the languaging. Like I said, tighten it up.

If the recent past has taught you anything it is that the Dems like to put you on trial. Kamala is a prosecutor. She's good at putting people on trial. Don't become the defendant. Okay, okay, you come from the "good defense is an offense". You be the past master. We're looking for the Statesman in you. Bring it. 

But, that combative way is business. There's the Business of State. Not quite the same. But, we do appreciate the experience in management that you bring. Just know there is a large, large swath of the voting public scared shitless over you going full on BOSS mode. If you don't know what that means, just look at our boychik Bibi. He even thinks he's gonna shake hands and turn over the keys to Mashiak. Who could argue with that? We know you've been persecuted; even took a potential kill shot. But, don't go branding yourself as the Messiah-like victim. Just be a good Donald.

I digress. Read on ...

In the debate Ms. Harris will be sure to pose questions for you to answer. If you react. Don't. Also, state facts about you. Throw shade, major shade. Goosing you to react. Don't.

To repeat. Don't rise to the bait! If Kamala poses any question, say this: "I don't answer to you. If the moderator chooses to ask that question I would be happy to answer."

If she says something you disagree with, or tries to put you in some shade, respond with something similar to the above: "I'm not here to check your facts, or to correct them." Maybe toss in, "And, knowing you and how you like to bend the facts." Finish with, "If the moderator has a fact question for me, I will be happy to answer."

For Vice President Harris:

You are a prosecutor by trade and temperament. We want to see you as Presidential. Not just a sock puppet spouting canned confections. Unless, of course, the only and ever strategy option is to crap on Trump. If you think that'll get you to the Oval, you go Girl. That gambit is so old it stinks, and intelligent people see it coming a mile away. But you Dems like to stick to your guns. Hillary is still raking it in dissing on The Donald. You and Joe pretty much skated the entire 46th term with the excuse that everything that went wrong was Trump's fault. And ... you need another one to finish the job. C'mon, man! Really?

Since you claim to be so high minded do you really want to keep cultivating an electorate that snaps to with every pander toss to their confirmation bias. It might get votes short term. But, I do know you too want to make America great. Of course, you don't put it that way for obvious reasons. Not just a painted on, papered-over great. Great with a clear head and a courageous loving heart. In our leaders, and in the citizenry too. That kind of great. 

(And, Donald, you might want to also flesh out "great" beyond it being a great sounding thing to say. I know you have put out some policies, but a whole complete picture on "great" would be, well, great. "Worldview.")

And, KH, maybe don't go after The Donald the way you showed your stuff at various Congressional hearings. Just seemed mean, and out to partisan win regardless of any higher perspective. By the way, so sorry you don't get to pull out your "I'm speaking now" gambit. 

And cut the clichรฉs and generalities. Brass tacks. What you gonna do? What are the specific outcomes you envision? And, for Pete's sake ... why? Don't leave it at just that you have a vision, and go off and talk about your solid loving family upbringing.

Mr. Trump will in his inimitable fashion throw some zingers. Your handlers will have given you a list of back-at-you one liners. Cut that. Take it like a man. Move on. Or, fall back on something like, "Listen to that jail-bird chirp!". "Can you trust a felon?" And for the win, "Consider the source". Interesting how DT has been claiming witch hunt and solid legal minds have stated that all those indictments are specious; "trumped" up. Don't even let's go into the impeachments. Overplayed your hand, you Dems did, on all the foregoing legal chicanery. Or, so some say.

You might be getting the idea that in this one's view you have a reputation for canned words. I have experience from years as a Can't Miss Top 10 Major Market VP Mad Ave Ad Biggie. Don't bullshit the bullshitter. You know what I'm talkin' bout, Sister! Everyone is woke-hip to narrative propaganda spin and control. It's not Presidential, Sis. Add that to your joyful vision, why don't you.

Talk straight. If you wanna talk vision, be specific. If you want to express joy, be joyful. And, please tell us what is the basis for your joy? And that "unburdened" business. Just what are you unburdened from? What, however, are you still packing in your bags? Truly unburdened would indeed be joyful since you'd be standing in the unalloyed present moment, empty handed; ready to take a fresh take on what's so. Can you do that? Is that something you want to do? Is that something you even know is something to do? Or, is it just another something that rings true from the sound of it. You wanna break that glass ceiling as a woman? Wonderful! Seems you'll get lots of votes just on account of that. And the ethnic-race bits too. How about breaking through the bullshit as a Human being? That would be Presidential. 

For both candidates:

There is death and destruction plenty in the world right now. When and how is it gonna end? What can you do? What will you do? 

And, while we're at it, perhaps someone [PLEASE!] explicate how the State of Israel is so sacrosanct. Messianic Evangelicalism? The US foot in the Middle East? Guilt over the Holocaust? AIPAC? All of the above? Something else that hasn't come to light?

Some say that the Ukraine/Russia war is a Western proxy [read USA] figuratively led in Ukraine by a comedian puppet. Elsewhere, that whatever is the correct thing to call it as of the moment between Israelis and Palestinians, it's led by an individual who's made America his bitch. What say you's?

There's talk that American empire is waning. That it's hegemony — even though it is well known that the USA interests have always only been for the good of all regardless of the messes it has created on account of evil doers resisting —  is coming to a close. Then there's BRICS to deal with. Are we still gonna be in a world of zero sum game? Winners and losers? Good versus bad? Or, are we considering a paradigm where we all just get along? Cooperate?

Lastly, does it really all come down to narrative propaganda control? Sure, we do have to keep the hoi polloi happy and keep a lid on mass chaos. But, what informs your worldview? By what light do you go into the unknown future. Or, is your future already plotted out, and now it's just more same old, same old getting your way?

I don't know if you heard, but Mr. Dylan put it out there some time ago.

One last thing: Wisdom. Bring it!


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