Hursecursequerstic Appetitive Adaptation Inclination


An Imperative? Or, an Imperiative?

Cursory Background

From one Dr. Herman Hursecursequersic in his famous treatise in the journal Lingua Franca leapfrogging over the now well known groundbreaking and revelatory "Transgressing the Boundaries: Towards a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity" published in the journal Social Text by Alan Sokal.

What is it?

In short and simple lay terms it’s a complete debunking of the commonly held notion on the acquired conditioned thrown disposition to adopt the prevailing attitudes and aspirations of those who — for lack of a kinder word — are idiots, but one does so to get along on account of they constitute your immediate milieu and to venture forth with common sense and a firm grasp of the obvious would jeopardize your role and rank living into the lack of which you don’t know what it would look like without the constraints of that that mutually self created narrative box, but mostly because you’re too proud to even consider that there might be a better way and therefore shirk your born destiny to become an example to those still enthralled with the shadows in Plato’s Cave after you have awakened from that illusion into said firm grasp of the obvious. While this may be obvious, and plainly so, but not so to those interested in other things and refuse to look otherwhere.

Wrequired Wreading Wreference at:


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