It’s a Level Thing ...

It’s a Level Thing ...

If not Wronski, who?

Wherein I will give the old college try to extricating humanity — Yes, all of it. Including all manner of your deviants, miscreants, deplorables; even, Republicans. — from the we're-gonna-go-to-hell-in-a-handbasket road we're on in the prevailing zeitgeist with what looks like half the folks seeing it as all good and, the other, as all bad; and, vice versa.

The short form take is this. [Short by Wronski standards, that is.] We all see things according to our own lights. No? From our mental landscapes. Which, as you should know was not so much something that you were born with, but was constructed over time. A lot of it conditioned in by others and circumstances around us. Some we kept, some we rejected. Many of those choices were made with and when there was limited knowledge and experience. Yet, even after more learning and experiences we still cope with the often time tightly held outdated points of view. Prideful in them. Resisting to change. Even when the fact of it is there in front of us; like when you're sitting on the toilet, and imagining you're riding to a cesspool of molten lava in the center of hell. Well, excuse me for bringing in a personal anecdote. But, you get the point. As those Oh-Boy-We're-So-In-The-Moment Zen types would say, when you chop wood, chop wood. Or, in my example, when you're on the can, shit, or get off.

So, where the F am I going with this. Well, certainly not in that to-hell-in-a-handbasket. Here's the deal. How we see things is a product of our mental landscape. It's made up. Not to say it's not useful. Or, incorrect. That's so lower level. The point is to see that it is made up in the first place. It's a construct. Oh, you say, I'm right though. Well, isn't that part of the construct. Please permit me to blow your mind:

The world is as you see it. If you don't like what you see, change the prescription. 

For those who may want to look into this any further, read on. Otherwise, you'll only become more confused, possibly doubling down on that dime your standing on in your 5 minute world. 

Now that I'm talking to the willing reader. Read on. Or, wread on ...

Here's a perfect example of "level". Guy comes running into the emergency room at the hospital screaming, "I can't breathe!!! I can't breathe!!! I can't breathe!!!" Everyone other than him sees the obvious. Now, just how do you get it across to him that if he couldn't breathe ... well you know the rest of it. 

Just like me pondering why people can come away with such differing views on seeing the same dern thing. How to get someone to notice that they're coming from another level than you, I don't know. Best to mind your own level.

I once lived in an ashram. At morning meditation sessions I would run in my head over and over every day whether I was enlightened, yet. One day I got the grace to see that I was running my head, given to that thought. My level shifted. I saw the workings of my mind. Left behind identifying with my mind. Also, saw that the concern about being enlightened is just another thought. 

Now you may ask about me pondering why folks are the way they are. Well, that's a level thing too. I see that. But, it is a temptation, still. Light a candle. Still interested in the comings and goings in the world. 

I have close relatives who are estranged from me. Seems I "did them wrong". I can take the blame; but the guilt, fuggedaboutit. Broken hearts are for assholes [per Mr. Frank Zappa]. I could spend eternity trying to make it up to them; like that would even work. It'll get resolved when, and if, they grock it that, history notwithstanding — never mind if the understanding at the time of the alleged historical insult was even clear and with all the facts in hand — that it's now just an idea reifying me into a story in their heads; sort of like being a fly sealed in Amber. I light a candle.

Forgiveness. Just what is that? For me, it's living into the realization that there is no harm done in the first place. [From The Course in Miracles: "Nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists."] Popular notions of forgiveness, however, seem to be about shoehorning the slings and arrows of misfortune into some manageable new alternative narrative. Which, to me, seems to be just sweeping it under the rug. I've told my estranged lovelies that any part of our heart we close for whatever reason is closed to those with whom we would want to share it wholeheartedly. To no avail. It's a level thing. I'll, as I said, practice being mindful of my own level. And, trust. Wholeheartedly.

Some "level" things:

Besides waking up to what's been right under our nose all along, the level thing is also to take a step back and see that how you see is a constructed thing. I meditate to do that. Do what you need to do for yourself. Though, I don't know of any other way than to meditate. There's plenty of wise authority on the merits of that. Inquire.

It's not to change or rearrange your mental landscape. No. No. No. It's to simply see it there in all its raw naked presence. Some call it "MINDFULNESS". Nice word. Being mindful of your mind. One of the side benefits besides how the practice clears the mental cobwebs, is in the discovery that you are not your mind. You know, that chatty little thing you hear going on 24/7/12/365? You do hear it, don't you?

This takes some doing. So, if you are so inclined, do it! And regularly. Sit down, be quiet, see what happens. Repeat. Watch this, it's all there: 

I'm sure no one by now is not aware of the level of political discourse. Blame Game, someone called it. It seems to work, getting votes-wise. As for policy and action, not so much. We seem to have massed on two sides of a high and impenetrable wall, each thoroughly convinced that they're right, the other wrong. With arms' lengths of facts and figures to support those positions. 

So I've been pondering mightily over how come things got so black and white? The overarching answer is that we live — rather choose to live — in a dualistic frame. If you be right, then there's got to be wrong to balance it out. Don't blame me, folks, that's the essence of the game. And, don't get me started on all those pollyanna toxic positivist positively giddy with their positivity [and often willing to share their grace with anyone — for a price]. Have you ever encountered the Junior League? What the world needs, yeah, another cheery blond.

Also, and more poignantly, I've been pondering how loved ones who have their very existence through you pretty much have nothing to do with you, won't hear it from you, and hold you in the lowest contempt. Who, even the lowliest of miscreants like me likes that situation? Another one is how I've even had a close relative said it very honestly and candidly, "Don't contact me ever again, because when you do I get very upset". In other words there's a narrative they hold in mind that reifies me and gets triggered with all the ornamented emotions and sensations associated with it when I show up. 

Amazingly, they claim to have worked past it and come to forgiveness. Any attempt to set the record straight just comes off as an apologia pro vita sua. Further, attempting to set the record straight, knocking on their door, just makes them bolt it all the more against yours truly. Particularly frustrating don't you know when you've searched your conscience and motivations and are offering something only for their own good. Not that they have to accept it. But, that they won't even look at it. That's a puzzlement.

I don't think it's a unique situation. It's a human situation. We want the good, and push away the bad. But, just who made those labels and pasted them on this or that thing or other, we don't much look into that.

Big subject. I refer you to one top level source:

But, we should. Look into it. Not in the sense of sorting it out within the mix, but now we come to the level bit. 

Taking a step to another level to look from another, and maybe, broader perspective. I've heard that when Columbus and his types first appeared on the horizon it was the shamans of the tribe who first saw them. Everyone could see, but then again there's vision. Maybe it's the same with those UFO's. Never seen one. Where's my shaman when I need him? Or, Rabbi?

You know how it is then when you’re attempting to get some point across and the other person just argues against it. Or doesn’t get it at all. Or just hears what they want to hear?

It may be a “Level Thing”.

I once had to deal with a fellow who was thoroughly plugged in and having a shit conniption over something or other. Just lost in all steam and raging reacting to something, and then running on about the pre-taped mental narrative triggered by the incident. I suggested he might take the opportunity to notice the “voice in your head”. “There’s no voice in my head!” he unhesitatingly snapped back. [Said the voice in his head.]

For more on the topic of "The Voice in the Head" click this link.

The level thing is about seeing from a broader perspective. Not necessarily a better perspective. That would just be base level thinking all over again — sorting out right from wrong, good from bad. Nothing necessarily wrong if that's your bag. Just to notice it's not the only game in town.

The next level is to see that there’s a process going on in the example I used which is focused on some dualistic distinction. The dance itself; not the music.

Or, say, in politics. For an example, the voice in my head brings up Nancy Pelosi. She’s the Democratic cheerleader for blaming anything and everything on the Republicans. Let’s not get into her frame; i.e., taking a side and arguing like I do on social media. Let’s step up to the next level ... and see that we’re mired in the blame game itself.

Once you notice that, you can tango on, or choose to take that broader view to come to some creative solutions.

Again, it’s not about a better point of view. Though you may find it has its advantages. Like you are feeding your infant. You don’t give them an explanation of what’s going on and why they should open up and take that spoonful. No. You shove the spoonful in the kid’s face and they get the message at that level.

So, I guess, the art of it is to know what level your dealing with. Reading the room. As always, it’s an easier thing to suss out the level in another; grocking our own, well, keep working on it.

So, to sum up, if’n you’re not getting your point across chances may be that it’s a level thing. How to get another to join you at the level from which you are communicating, that’s a challenge. It should at least come from some agreement that the other is willing to look at things from another point of view. If not, then fugeddaboutit. Horse to water kind of thing.

The conundrum of the level issue also may have some complications. Gaslighting. That’s when someone chooses not to get the point you are making, or even refuses to hear it. Often appearing to be staying in the discussion, but only zeroed in on their own emphasis.

How to know if you’re being “gaslighted”:

You’re trying to make a point and the other person on purpose doesn’t acknowledge it at all, or doesn’t understand. You have doubts and wonder if you are not saying it right. Also, maybe the other person doesn’t get it because it’s not something they want to hear, or even can’t hear.

It’s not gaslighting if the other person just doesn’t get it. But, the net effect is the same. You can confirm it’s gaslighting when you attempt to deal with the issue head on, and then get blamed and denigrated in return.

Recently on social media I got a heart emoticon back on a suggestion to a friend. That they do something. A heart emoticon came back. WTF is that supposed to mean. I inquired. The response was, "You're so pushy". Gaslighting? I think so. Pressed further, "I'll look at it". It happened to be a movie I suggested to watch. You don't "look" at a movie, you "watch" a movie. Gaslighting. For sure. I'm an old car salesmen. Trained in the art of saying nothing but sounding like in a potential customer's ear like it does [mean something]. Like, "Come on Down We're Having a Big Sale". Translate: Everything we have is for sale. Really, it gets that tricky. Of course, if you want the master class in that sort of rhetoric, just watch the pols and the news. 

There’s also “ghosting”. You’re being “ghosted” when the person you are attempting to communicate with gets it but gives no response. You wonder whether they received your message, or there’s some hearing problem. It’s a fairly common thing with email communication. You send something and ... crickets. You don’t know if they got the message, or are choosing to ignore it, or don’t like it, or don’t have enough respect to acknowledge any of it. I’ve encountered this many times. When I followed up, it typically turns out that the other party just didn’t respond out of the habit of not doing that. I was schooled in giving response to things sent to me. It’s like if you’re in some serious situation and you ask somebody to do something that is critical to more forward. They give no response. So, did they hear you? Or are they just too thick and obstinate to bother. When the chips are down, “Roger that” is the rule. And, when the chips are really down, better have them reiterate what it is that you requested. We don’t always hear the comma in the sentence.

Like in that James Bond movie:

 The acid test is to inquire further. No response again. Bingo! You’re being ignored.

In either case, watch out for any thrown tendency to react with self doubt, guilt, frustration. On your part.

Not everyone is your customer anyway. Sometimes even those you would think would stick with you through thick and thin. Karma ... it can be a bitch. Clean your plate. Do you have any other choice?

Which reminds me of an incident with my very young children. At dinner, one pipes up, "I don't like this!" The younger one sees that and joins in, "Yeah, me neither!" Like a lean Zen master, my lightning quick response: "Who said you have to like it?" Never a complaint ever again.





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