𝐅𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥

Fighting the Devil

There's some devil in all of us. Wronski ... for sure!

We find ourselves living in "interesting" times. No?

Major wars. One as we speak threatening to ignite into a major clusterfuck with the entire Middle East region in play; if not broader, given that the US of A is gonna applaud and support the Zionist entity in whatever — read ... whatever! — it does. And, what that brat teen bunch the so-called leaders of the State of Israel seems to want to do is to have a big dustup with Iran. Some Jews you turned out to be! And, all this in the name of welcoming the redemption of Mashiach! Oy!

Alas, that sincere and earnest boychick on a soapbox in the city isn't likely to get any media exposure from the mainstream media. Alas indeed. He speaks true. But truth seems to be in short supply. Unless the one you like to follow you have it that whatever they say is true. I think the term for that is "narrative control". And, "confirmation bias". You bin propagandized, bunkie!

The 2024 Presidential election. A choice between the devil incarnate and the DEI-check-the-boxes clown devil. The stakes, of course, being the end of civilization according to either of the principal players talks. I hate that other one so much I'm holding my nose and voting for the other one. Some choice. Does that mean we're fucked no matter how we vote? 

Let's see, what else? 

Ecocide seems to be creeping upon us. Things are heating up too. Mendacity, chicanery, foolishness, stupidity — to name a few — among the ruling elite. Vapidity, foolery, irrelevance, frivolous distraction from the entertainment industry. Culture wars with identity centered on how you dress and/or what you like to do with your nasty bits. As opposed to identity vis-a-vis that we're all Children of God. Pronoun education classes. Insanity passing as sanity.

Then you can add whatever shitstorm is going on in your personal life. All the concerns over this, that and whatever. The big questions ... what do I want on my Pizza? Where's the best manicure in town?

And, the really big important one ... What's with Ben and Jen? Will they, or won't they? And, let's not overlook Taylor and Travis [Tayvis? Travlor? Tayce?]

Geez! It's all such a puzzlement. A devilment.

So ... now, enter the devil. 

One thing, and one thing only you have to know about our buddy Satan. He [Please, Lucifer, don't be offended with my choice of pronouns.] that mofo will always keep trying, and he will never give up.

Repeat ... the devil will always keep trying, and will never give up. Totally unrestrained. And, unforgivable.

The lesson being ... when you fight with the devil you can never win. He's got ya. He will not stop, or give up. Never. Yet, we fight with the devil. So easily tempted. Heck, read the news; big temptation(s). 

But, we can stop. How?

How do we fight with the devil. The world stage is full of actors who are as we speak acting like the devil, doing his bidding. But, what about you and me? If we're not ourselves actually out and about doing devilishness, we all fight with the devil simply by engaging ourselves mentally with the conflicts. Enthralled with his chaos. The mishegas in the news is a great temptation to get involved. In our own minds, with arguments on social media. Worrying. Churning over in our minds what's what. That's the devil. Devilment. As the Zen type put it ... We're serving tea to our monkey. Monkey mind, that is.

Good news! We have choice. 

The thing is, we're grappling with the devil simply just by entertaining the very troublesomeness of things. Mentally. Then, maybe even taking it out for a spin and arguing over it. 

I know, I know. Things seem really fucked, and you just have to get involved. But, do you? Take care of what you can take care of. For sure. But, what's stewing over things, arguing points for and against ... what's that gonna get you? Being right? Sorting out the duality of right from wrong; praise or blame. So what. Like I said, the devil is only about getting you tangled up. 

So ... don't. It is really that simple. But, first learn to stop pulling the devil's dick. It's a habit. Be patient. Let go. Let go. Then, let go again. The less you pull on it, the softer it gets. Until, at last, it slithers away on it's own. The devil is not stupid. He don't waste no time when there's no time for him. Get him behind you.

"What's puzzlin' you is the nature of my game."


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