๐๐š๐ซ๐ฌ๐ข๐ง๐  "๐ˆ๐ฆ๐š๐ ๐ข๐ง๐ž ๐ฐ๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐œ๐š๐ง ๐›๐ž, ๐ฎ๐ง๐›๐ฎ๐ซ๐๐ž๐ง๐ž๐ ๐›๐ฒ ๐ฐ๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐ก๐š๐ฌ ๐›๐ž๐ž๐ง." ๐–๐“๐…


"Imagine what can be, unburdened by what has been."

I'm sold! Sounds awesome don’t it? A vision, stated by a visionary. We can stop thinking! Oh, joy! 

Other such, loaded with wonderful meanings ...

"We're American Airlines ... doing what we do best." "Double your pleasure, double your fun ... Doublemint gum." "Coke adds life!" "Diamonds are forever." "Just do it!" "Disneyland: the Happiest Place On Earth." "Apple: Think Different."

The captions of our lives. 

Well, those "unburdened" words ... what are they really? Show me the beef! For my money they're mostly about convincing you that there’s a vision, and spoken by a visionary. The communication itself, what it actually means, who knows?

Maybe that's the gambit. It is open to whatever interpretation the listener gets. Never mind that there are listeners so polluted and awash with narrative propaganda that they no longer think for themselves, but pick up like Chickens the kernels tossed in the coop. 

And, if you happen to like the speaker — even if it's on account of that they're not the other guy — then the speaking makes sense, and is meaningful. Or, at least, positive. A sure fire vote getter. Who wrote "A Nation of Sheep"?

For my money the only positive is that yet another pol is trying to come off as substantive. That is, the appearance of substance. Oh joy! Who was it that said perception is reality. But, who was it who said, "The world is as you see it". Big diff on where the onus goes between those two statements. The latter, you are responsible for how you see the world. The former, the world is given to you. Which standard do you want to live by?

Show me the beef!

Maybe after so many fast food burgers we've become accustomed to that's what junk passes for what a burger should be. What do they say about a lie repeated?

The thing is, when you’re truly unburdened by what has been, what's there? Nuttin'. Your imagination is indeed free. Your mind free. Nothing. Blank slate. Actually, for anyone that's a good thing. When your mind is empty, like Brother Aristotle, you don't know shit. Not that you can't draw on known shit, but not knowing gives a fresh view. Uncluttered. Tathagatagarbha, they call it. Look it up. Clear. Luminous. Empty. Unimpeded. Also know widely as "Ordinary Mind". 

Politically, what we have competing are extraordinary minds. Who was it that said, "All knowledge is ignorance"? To understand that you can ponder the distinction between "knowledge" and "knowing". The former encompasses labels and terms about. The latter, directly appercieving the thing in itself. Like you can know all about Gravity as a concept, but don't have a clue how it operates on your body as a percept. As a directly sensed fact. Slightly off topic, but if you would pay attention to the signals Gravity is offering you in this moment, you'd come smack dab up against the imblances accumulated over time due to the slings and arrows of experience(s).

Would that we would vote for such a candidate. One with a clear head. Willing to look anew. Because, folks, the same old, same old being peddled is speeding us down the proverbial shit creek in a hand basket. We're in shit creek, but the vehicle is the choice. We're voting for who's hand basket is better decorated. Think about that.

Again, repeating: Just because you have an empty mind, don't mean you don't have nuttin' to go on. It's like this. Like a painter who comes to a blank canvas with an empty palette. As opposed to one who has a set
of colors already spread. The former has options. Can choose which colors fit the picture. The latter is clearly limited. An empty mind doesn't mean you're a dummy. The dummy is the one with all the ideas. Chew on that, why don't you. 

Or like a fly fisherman who goes out to the stream with only one lure. The proper tack to tackle the job is to go with an assortment, determine which flies are biting, then use that one to catch the fish. Kapische, Italiane?

The question is, however, just what then informs your vision? With that empty mind. You're unburdened. Wonderful. So, what you got to go on? If you’re empty? 

The Lord is my Shepherd. It's called that "Come to Jesus Moment". And don't get all in a bunch with the Christian reference. Same goes for Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Jainism, Hinduism. It's the same core "ISM" in all. "WHAT IS." What is that? Yes, it is. 

What we're seeing in that wise-A utterance is empty of meaning. Just a veneer of wisdom and hope. For some, that may be enough. Some others, check out on hearing such vapidity and narrative propagandizing. 

We're living in a culture of nihilism, where meaning and value are whatever you may personally choose. Nothing higher than my own self-cherishing notions and desires. Go ahead, be that way. Never mind the vast libraries of testaments to the contrary. The one thing about Truth is, that it's True. No need to be interpreted. Just plain to see; and seen, self-evident.

Beware one who is telling the truth. "Priests and Politicians: The Mafia of the Soul" is well worth reading.

Where do you stand, Bunkie? Remember, wherever you go ... there you are.

This just in ... the campaign 2024 buzzword you won't get enough hearing. Hearing so persistently often, you'll believe it too. 

Heck, one man's garbage, is another man's Prune Danish.


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