𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐒𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐭𝐡: "𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐌𝐲 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐤!"


As you may have surmised from the daily news the Middle East is a powder keg. The diplomacy coming from Western and nearby governments to avert a disaster is full on. Daily we hear reports that caution is being strongly advised. That it's urgently necessary to come to the negotiating table. 

For how many weeks [months?] have we been seeing the news that there's also a humanitarian disaster "imminent" in Gaza. Imminent. Unfolding. Really. How close to real do you have to get? Per Mr. Bob Dylan: "How many deaths will it take 'till we know that too many people have died?"

All that notwithstanding, and lovely posturing handwringing aside, the USA is all in behind Israel; and, whatever they want to do. No matter what. Unconditionally*. Like parents who are all behind their off the hook teenager, spoiling them no matter how or howsoever they run amok. Even when they drive them off a cliff. Well, on the way down they may protest; but lovingly. Careful not to offend. These days it's called letting them learn by their own mistakes. Born saints, must be. I knew a Mom in a spiritual group who would look for jewels in her baby's poop.


What, what?

* Yet, if you pay attention to history, the good old US of A has a pretty consistently solid track record of reneging on its promises. Israel lobby aside, the pols aren't gonna support anything if they can't get votes for it. How many protesters will it take before branding them anti-Semites will no longer play? And, what amount of financial input from lobbyists does it take to convince the hoi polloi that it's raining when they see your dick splashing on their head?

The question is this: 

Background: The southern United States border seems to be out of control. Admittedly, from day one I have not had it explained to me what the plan there might be. Mostly, it's the high dudgeon of the loyal opposition saying that it's out of control. A crisis!!! Candidate Trump keeps harping on how the worst of the worst from around the world have entered over the southern border. Funny, since his detractors label him the worst of the worst. Takes one to know one? Whatever your politics, it does seem to be fubar.

That's the border. So, to the question ... so the folks managing the border are the same ones keeping a lid on in the Middle East? What could go wrong? Gonna keep us out of WWIII? Juggling the Ukraine/Russia thing on the side at the same time? Neocon at birth?

Don't forget them's the same ones who keep poking the Russian Bear that got us in that "unprovoked" proxy war. Like there's gonna be some final victory? And Russia will go back to making those stacking Matryoshka dolls, and Vodka. 

My people on the scene think not. You can only go so far with controlling propaganda narrative. Sometimes facts confuse the story. 

It definitely is a multi-polar world — do I need to point out how multi-cultural and multi-sexual is the thing now in the US of A? So too, concerning the world order — but the folks who are in charge of that dominating entity on the North American continent seem on the global level to still hold on to the notion that we're the world's B.M.O.C. And, Divinely instituted as such to boot. "Indispensable." Other than that's the pushed narrative, where is that written that that's so? We citizens buy it because it's good to be in the in crowd. On top.

Let's negotiate. Who isn't for that? It has been pretty well documented by my reading that that Uber Mensch Bibi Netanyahu and his cronies don't even want to negotiate. Reports that getting all the Palestinians out of Palestine is not only a good idea, but the idea; and, by any means necessary. Heard it's only world opinion that keeps them from leveling the whole shebang, and "getting the job done". Maybe take some notes from Brother Adolf on ways and means; he set the bar good and high. Oh, wait! This just in: report is that Hitler in fact didn't want to exterminate the Jews, but a Muslin talked him into it. Don't blame me. It's out there. Supposedly out of Netanyahu's own mouth. Some horse, huh?

After some digging we may have an insight into what's in the minds of the so-called leaders of the State of Israel. Besides, of course, thinking those darn Palestinians are the scum of the Earth. And, you know, just like all those Palestinians, since they voted for Hamas, they are all Hamas supporters; and, by the same token, some large portion of the Israeli public shares the sentiments of its leaders regarding the Palestinian "solution". That there, that's not a surmise; it's been documented in polling. In short, it's not just Bibi paddling that boat. And, how interesting that if you disagree somehow that's "anti-Semitic". Never mind that you see down shit's creek and that handbasket isn't gonna make the trip. Hold on to you yamulkes!

When a Semite is right ... right as rain ... then who can object? Seems the worldwide esteemed Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson has declared that Bibi will be the one to hand over the keys to Mashiak. So now maybe you can understand how the gentleman is so eager to get the job done. It's a historical, once ever historical high point to witness a leader whose ideas about things to do happen to align with God's. With what seems to be an unlimited bank account. And, a taste for blood; the younger the better.

My take, the situation will become such a clusterfuck wet shit of a complete unfixable mess that the Savior will have to come. Meanwhile, while we have a few days left perhaps we can argue to high heaven the point over whether this will be His second time on the planet, or his first. And, His gender preference.

Folks, we may indeed be in End Times. Heck, there are plenty of Evangelical Christians solidly behind a big kerfuffel in the Middle East as part of the advent of the apocalypse ushering the wonderful rapture of God's Children on toward the Promised Land. Then, for good measure, there's the supposed leverage of the so-called Jewish lobby, which can account for the recent 58 standing ovations for Bibi in the Halls of Congress. The pols pretty much demonstrated that they're bought and paid for behind Israel's "right to defend itself". And, certainly, with the do-re-me to fund their reelections. Per Mr Dylan again, "Yes, and how many deaths will it take 'till he knows that too many people have died?". And, leaders wake up and do the right thing. Even Donald Trump, on the Ukraine/Russia war said it's about stopping the killing. Thank you 45, killing is not political. 

And, by the way, if you have some concern over so-called genocide ... relax. Chill! The leading voices from strict rabbinical sects assure us that the Palestinians are less than human anyway. To be used as the Chosen Ones see fit. As a "Goy" — a term I find deeply offensive — what does the Old Testament say to do with the likes of me? I'm reading that the strict take is that non-Jews also don't have any status other than being "useful idiots". 

And, don't be fooled, those five Red Heifers, they're not for Schwarma. Read up on that. This shit be real. Full on. No bluffing. 

God's Will be done! Actually, it is. Always. Just that we tend to muck it up with our own ideas of what that might be. And, the mendacity to front God when it's our small, self-cherishing notions that are undercurrent.

What say you? There's a comment section below ...

And, please, no anti-Semite mud slinging. This wrant is anti for sure. Actually, it's pro Semite. Real Semites. A beard does not make a Jew. And, folded hands don't make a saint.

A recollection. I once travelled in 1970 as a tourist to Lebanon. Beirut. Part of an arround the world trip with stops in London, Munich, Hong Kong, and Bali. We hired a driver for a day trip. Along the way in Beirut we passed a Palestinian refugee camp. Rough poles with barbed wire. Shanty town squalor. Our driver, Mr. George Deeb commented on how those Palestinians were a bunch of lazy bums. That on a line for a job if he offered for them to go ahead of him they'd refuse. It struck me how that was the racist trope for Negroes back in the day. I'm wondering if the Muslim world in general doesn't have much love for the Palestinians. I didn't get what faith, if any Mr. Deeb professed. There are a lot of Christians in Lebanon. And, a lot of racist Christians too. He did teach us that "Habibi" and "Habibti" are terms for "sweetheart", "my dear"; male and female. Interesting, now we're talking about that sweetheart Bibi Netanyahu. Who knew.


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