𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐥 ... 𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐬 ...

Looking at the news of the day — Oh, Boy! — it should be obvious that we're not all on the same page. Same as it ever was. And, as the world turns, same as it ever will be. Perhaps. 

Whatever ... let's be realistic, plan for a miracle.

Not on the same page, and we're not on the same level either.

This can beg the question what is the correct level? I'm betting the first thing what comes to mind when sorting out "levels" is the notion that there is a hierarchy of values, on a scale of good and bad. Seems like relative value is baked into the term. I'm not going there. Too many arguments over good and bad from folks operating at differing levels. Many, maybe most, not even aware that their position(s) are founded on conditioning, and it drives their lives and preferences. Sub rosa, under the radar of awareness. But, not you or me; those others. You know what I'm talking about. 

Mostly I think we're thrown to look at the comparison on level as if it's on a vertically organized scale. High, and low. Scientifically, maybe so. Temperature. Pressure. Sea level. Elevators. Stairs. Mountain climbing. You get the drift. Or, in sports. Me, in B-ball; then there's Michael Jordan. Like that too. You know what I'm talking about.

There's another kind of level that we seem to miss; and, like I said, that gets us into quarrels of all kinds. Those are the unconscious levels of our psychic conditioning through which the average individual sees their world. And, you guessed it, my view is better than yours. More correct. Or, just plain right; and, you're wrong! Heck, this writing itself is my view. And, you also guessed it, maybe just for the fact that I'm writing it proves I value my view enough to put it into the Interverse. You know what I'm talking about.

Just look at the political divide to see the competition on levels writ large. Large enough for some dumb asshole or other to take up arms. What should we do when our opponent is an existential threat? Imagine Kamala loses and has to certify a fascist as President? Mind blowing scenario. Let's not let that happen! Geez! But, Joe asked us all to cool it. 

Joe? Joe who?

Beware. The ones pointing to the existential threat may be the existential threat themselves. Or, are you so divested of your accumulated unconscious conditioning(s) that you see things crystal clear now? If you are, I expect you'll list yourself as such in the comments section below. Otherwise, maybe spend some quality time sitting with yourself regularly in silence. Clean the dust and clear the cobwebs is what that does. More on that later.

But then there's the level on the horizontal scale too. Like on the radio dial. Tuned into different stations. We can have our preferences, but we don't go to war over those. Or, on the playing field. Some games use a football shaped like a football [Hey! I'm an American, and we know what a football looks like! Two tit-like bookend shapes with a ball in the center. (That's for you's who don't know WTF is a football)] and other games use a round ball and call that football. Huh? Geez! I will never get over that one. Maybe that's why Soccer fans can be so, shall we say, demonstrative. C'mon man, indeed! I remember a time when the coed across the lunch table from me at the student cafeteria was playing with my balls under the table with her foot. But that's a story for another time. And, by balls, yes; I'm gonadically speaking there. You know what I'm talking about.

Level. Looked at without a sense of hierarchy or valuation opens the conversation to a more creative range of options, as opposed to the typical praise and blame, right and wrong dichotomy. I'm writing on this at this time on account of it seems the, ahem, dichotomy is in the zone of the next thing will be torches and pitchforks. Of course, after DJT got nicked Uncle Joe has admonished all the folk to tone down the rhetoric. Good on 46. But, if you follow the news the next day we were back at it. Full on, as usual. But, got to give Joe et al cred for saying that. Also, bless his heart, expressing deep heartfelt concern for mass killing while supplying the resources that make it happen. Hey! If you want to know what propaganda looks like in its full-on glory, that last bit should do it for you. Joe has spoken his concern, now we can all get back to picking our noses. Or, how when shit goes down, an investigation ensues. While the shit continues to go down as we await the outcome of the investigation conducted by the very ones bringing the shit to be going down. Notice that, Pilgrim?

Have you heard the news? Trump is a Fascist. Since that came from so-called reliable, informed sources it must be true. And, as you know said sources have no skin in the game and only cleave their hearts and souls to the Constitution and the American Dream. Oh, there's a book for sale if you want to part with some cash to learn the details. Never mind that the one who lobbed the assertion was on the scene for years, but only now comes out with the bad news. Two weeks before the election. Just a coincidence we can be sure. Not. And, a book. I know, many don't like Mr. President Trump. So much so that anything that shows up denigrated him just sticks like sticky overcooked Spaghetti to our mental wall. Never mind the purposeful misunderstanding interpretations. The cherry picked words out of context. The lack of context. The recontextualizations. Reinterpreted ambiguities. Outright lies. But, of course, the facts are all there laid out neatly to maintain our position. Such a mountain of facts that who has the time or stomach to sort them out. Just rest on a bed of my own confirmation bias. And, BTW, if you take it that there's some criticism of the Dems in this, don't necessarily take it that ipso facto I'm for The Donald. I'm for sanity. And, it don't look like there's much on the political scene. But, there's JOY! Hurrah! Something we can all get behind for sure.

Time to deliver some real news: 

Dreamer! Wake the fuck up! 

As we speak, unspeakable horrors are going on with our full backing with lengthy and Biblically bona vide justifications for the murderousness — I myself see it as genocide, but the jury is still out on that determination, so let's wait a year or so until the investigation is completed — and while I wait I'm wondering what dressing I should prepare for tonight's dinner salad. Why? Our leaders assure us that we're doing the right thing. Just go on with things as usual.

Unless of course we're talking politics and you know that the one you're voting for is right. If only because the other mofo is wrong. But that's also another mud fight for another time. But, isn't it interesting that good people can have such diametrically opposite positions on the candidates. Wonder why that's so. Especially when you back up a bit from the fray you see that the actual differences between the candidates on essential matters are not all that different. That's the game of politics, isn't it? Making out who's right and who's wrong. Giving the hoi polloi its choice. Only nowadays, the game is on a deadly pitch over which one is gonna take us all to hell in a hand basket. Never mind that that game itself is the real devilment. Politics. Deadly stuff as of late. 

You know what I'm talking about. 

PS If you do — you know what I'm talking about — then please someone tell me what Kamala is talking about?

What to do?


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