𝐄𝐱𝐭𝐫𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐡 ...

I'm still trying to figure how come the political divide in this the US of A of ours is so polarized into such entrenched solidly pure White and solidly pure Black. With either side being right. And, either side quite certain the other is wrong.

Herewith and so on and so forth is a classic Wronski's Wrambling Wranting Wrangle for those loyal readers who have come to appreciate taking the literary scenic route to conclusions and informational accumulations that are guaranteed to be enlightening. Or, so this writer believes will be the effect. Read and be once again delighted; that is, if you are one of the fans. For the newbies, read on and see! What's it gonna cost you, a few minutes out your day?

Back to the political divide ... 

Choose your side. Of course, my choice is the right one. On account that I prefer to believe myself to be right. Self reflection? Not necessary when you’re right. Not just for me, but for any right thinking Human being. The way of the world. I prefer the company of like minded people. And, since we still have freedom of speech you better take my side. Or, you just might be anti-Semitic! Or, we'll put you in some stockyard of deplorables in our mind; if not literally one with a fence. And people say that authoritarianism is only the province of the excesses of the political right. Okay, I'm a baptized Christian. But, hey, doesn't that make me one of God's Chosen? My vote for word of the year: "Anti-Semitic". Wouldn't be ironic that in some time hence history will show how a bunch of so-called Semites were in fact anti-Semitic. Look into the news. Especially the history of Israel to see what God's Chosen have been — and, Mein Gott im Himmel! ... currently are in the winter of our discontent 2024 — up to. Some might say "down to". 

There’s the real thing to get woke to. What? The game of choosing a side itself. That somehow is what we’re not seeing, while there's a choice what can be made, there's also the choice to step out of the game entirely. If only for a while. Can always step back in. But, do you know how to take that step out? Takes doing. But, you say, where would we be then? Where you would be, Pilgrim, is right here, right now. Instead of carrying that load of accumulated notions and ideas brought from the past. But clear eyed. “Unencumbered.” "Forgiven." 

How? Maybe try this: rigorously refuse to harbor thoughts. Just try it. For a little while, regularly, every day. First thing, last thing. Make a habit of it. Oh, but those thoughts keep showing up. Let them. You're not your mind after all, so let them be. Stay yourself in "choiceless awareness". [And, you are not your body either. For more on that, read THIS on THAT.]

And also, we seem to be so wrapped up in having to be on the right side that we take being in the center to be as a cop out; "sitting on the fence", so to speak. I've been accused of such in many pointless social media skirmishes where my attempt was to shift the level to seeing that the compulsion to have to have a side itself is an indoctrinated construct. Never mind the thrown reaction some have that to criticize one side is somehow automatic proof you're for the other. Maybe, just maybe, both sides are full of it. To button it up, we're so attached to being on the right side, we fail to see that we're in a game which is called "taking sides". 

Like you take your kid to an ice cream shop and choosing a flavor is all there is for them. [See, right there, that's me being woke to the right pronoun. After all, who's to say whether the kid is a boy or a girl ... or trans. Lordy! "They" and "Them" gets past having to slog through that old timey specifying whether it's a "boy or girl" thing. Like you can change your identity like you change your mind about a flavor of ice cream.] But, never mind, there's a store next door giving away free ponies! No way. We're focused on ice cream, Dad. I don't wanna know from what's other than that! The trick is to take yourself out the ice cream shop, and then you see the choices. Now, just how to get 'em out the ice cream shop. When even making the attempt they will turn and accuse you of being on the other side. Which, to them, is the wrong side. By definition, since they're right. Why do we have to pigeon hole everything? Oh, it's because we're living in a story in our heads? You bet. Is Life just a story?

Some have called that analogy and all the foregoing "gibberish". Sure ... from inside the ice cream shop. Ever put to question what you see and look at it as a pure product of your own seeing? The world is as you see it. Want it different, change your prescription. That is rather than trying to change the what is seen. Take responsibility for the seeing itself. That's quite a shift, but it can be done. Should be. If you want to make the world a better place, must be. Man in the Mirror.

Now, since we've found ourselves in a story, let's look at how the influencers in politics, marketing, and the media slant things for to the so-called controlling of the narrative.

Ever since DT came down that escalator there's been a non-stop pejorativication going on. Net, net that it's come to as of today millions of the citizenry are rock solid certain that he's the devil incarnate. Heck, Dear Joe told us he's a fascist. And that Putin is a combination of mass murderer, butcher, and war criminal. Narrative: always make the enemy the evildoer. Never mind that DT and JB they just shook hands and Joe promised there'd be a smooth and peaceful transition. To a fascist!? Joe, were you just politikin'? Did you just give us a peek behind the curtain? Like even DT said some of the most withering things in his run for office on the same people he's now appointing to key posts. What have we become used to? Getting bullshitted during the electoral campaigns, and just taking it as part of the game? Some way to select our leadership, if that's the case. Like if they're bullshitting us during the campaign, they are gonna go straight after getting into office. Leopard's spots don't come off over night.

Words! Word play, is really what's the thing that hooks you in. The skillful kind. Much of the motivational machinations of which fly under the radar. Confirmation bias — hearing what we wanna hear — is a great multiplier for shaping public opinion. 

Herewith, some of the verbal prestidigitations I've observed in the political sphere. Word play by the pols and their enabling media shills. And, let's not leave out the for-profit marketers. You know, like the ones with the drug ads for a cornucopia of names and listing all the dire side effects all the while happy people cavort to bouncy tunes. "There is a risk of death, or worse ... trala! Ask your doctor." Who, BTW, is part of the megalith pharma industry, didn't you know. Medicine is a business. Ain't no money in the cure; the money's in the drugs. And, the come back. [Props for that insight from Chris Rock.]

Okay. I wrambled. That's what I do. Wramble. If you're reading this far, you get the point of the blog itself. You either dig it, or not. But, I digress. See, I did it again. Oops!

So, in no particular order of importance ...

Propaganda. It's what is told to frame reality into a particular story. Like, in the Middle East, things like certain people have a right to defend themselves. Or, other certain people are non-Human. Ergo, killing them like dogs is not genocide. In fact, maybe even scores points with the Big Fella. Okay, if you want to fuss over that term, let's have an investigation. Even the Pope has recently called for an investigation over "genocide". So, while whatever you want to call it is going on in the Middle East goes on, we'll investigate what it is to be called. Give it some time though. This is serious stuff; don't want to get it wrong. Interesting how these investigations often are conducted by the alleged perpetrators and not usually given a deadline. Such important things take time. But, hey! Meanwhile look whats happening! Call it what you want. 

Narrative control. The one who rules is the one who controls the narrative. Again, we’re talking about the story. Is life a story? Really? There's a story to be told in life, for sure. Plenty. History is a story after all. But, even history, as they say, is written by the winners. Narrative control. I get it that leading a country is a challenge. Keeping the herd well managed. Question is how enlightened the leadership? Seems mostly it comes down to which grandiose egos get into the seats of power. Even in a so called democracy the narrative can be controlled to such an extent that the people of the land of the free are self convinced through bias confirmation that they are free. Free to what? Go where you wanna go, and do what you wanna do when you get there? But, let's not say anything that is not appropriate. Or, express a truth not popular in the zeitgeist. Could get locked up. Julian Assange, anybody?

Manipulation. Part of narrative control. Twisting facts to slant toward a purpose. Not so much the tactics of manipulation, but the going in mindset itself that there's a need to manipulate to get what you want. The World Economic Forum is something to keep our eyes on. Those fuckers think they have the world by the balls. Of course, with full justification that theirs is the right and good way for the world to go. Which raises the real question: Who the fuck is really in charge of His Creation? HE is! Full stop! The devil is in there on account of that somehow His created Humans have since the time of the Garden gotten it into their heads that they can do it themselves. It's called "pride". And, you know how that went. Expulsion. And, look where we are today. Still on the outs with the Big Guy. But, heck, I can watch a movie on my smart phone. It's not all that bad. And, I'm free to watch whatever I choose. I'm so proud also to have my mitts on the latest multitask device. You know, that thing on your ear that used to be called a telephone. And, by the way, how come when we're tethered to those smarty phones when you try to reach someone it goes to voicemail? Call screening? They don't wanna talk to me? In my usage I don't answer unknown numbers; they're almost always telemarkers with numbers cloaked to seem like its a local neighborly call while really all they're trying to do is put their hands in your pockets. 

Brain washed. That's an old WWII neologism about how the commies would torture you into speaking the party line. And, more important, following. Now, however, it's more the endless repetition of lies and misinformational misdirection that does the job. And, the clever wordsmithing. Not so overt as would the Ruskies, but sub rosa; and, more effective to boot.

Tailored modifiers. Adjectives and adverbs that slant something or other toward an intended outcome point of view. Facts in the news are no longer reported as such. They are "spun". He didn't just respond, he responded "suspiciously", "falsely", "guiltily", "sneakily". Someone might not be just incorrect, they "lied". Not mistaken, or incorrect; but, "false".

Out of context. Let's cut to the chase on this one. "Good people on both sides". If you think that refers to DT asserting that there are good people among hate mongers, then you've been punked by having that statement served up out of context. Look into it. Yet, that line has been resurfaced for our edification in the recent Presidential election by the one who is unencumbered by the past, yet didn't hesitate to bring back that past when it suited their case against the monster opponent. Who, to repeat, is gonna get a peaceful transfer of power. To what? The eve of distruction?

Selective interpretation. Alas, dear DT has a way of saying things that leaves a lot of room for interpretation. But, don't think it only that one, that The Donald. The other bunch does it too. "In the morning there will be JOY!" For seemingly a vast millions that's enough to give it a vote. WTF this "JOY" will actually be, and from whence it emanates ... TBD. Okay, so being a person of color and a female is also a no-brainer for a vote for a lot of our electorate. But, they also debate what is a woman, so what are they really voting for. Ok, I get it. The joy of having the first female President. A big check in the history books. Whoopie! 

Confirmation Bias. Telling you what you want to hear. And, speaking in ways which assuage your preexisting, but already propaganda inculcated concerns. Also, having introduced the notions we hold dear as our own induce through skillful verbal manipulation, then reinforcing them to keep them going. Talking points endlessly repeated.

Denotation and connotation. My favorite. That is, words may have the same basic, core meaning; but in the English language there are different words for that same thing that color/slant the meaning. AOC is famous for "kids in cages". Literally true. Connotatively suggests cruelty though. Make the heart weep. Or, "concentration camps" when referring at one point to sequestering illegal aliens during processing. Or, how she argued that there was no surge at the border because they were not insurgents. Love that logic. Scary though how it makes sense to millions of the folks.

Hypothetical Speculation. Notice how sometimes a hypothetical scenario is brought up. Not out of the blue, but based on suppositions and interpretations of something said or done. Then the ensuing discussion is all about how that is a bad thing. Discussion so deep and lengthy in fact we can overlook that the basis for the entire premise is soft sand ... that original supposition. You come away with a certain opinion based on an a priori pure speculation. 
Impugning motive. Probably the most pernicious, yet commonly used is asserting the motives of another. If you understand the psychology of projection, then you'll get how what we infer about the other has really a lot to do with our own way of seeing. As the kids sassily schooled me back when: "Whatever you say goes back to you!". A spin on that old saw, "When you point a finger, three more are pointing back to you". 

Alas, this business of cock-sure talking heads stating matter of factly what the motives of others may be is just the way the media talks to us. So engrained in the discourse that it passes unnoticed for the bullshit it is. And the pols. You know that Russia. Given half a chance they'll take over all of Europe, the world. Since that is their motive we must defeat them by hook or by crook to save the world, our freedom, democracy. Who can argue with that? That is, if the gleaning of their motives is correct. Never mind that the motives of our own leaders stays behind the curtain. Meanwhile pundits pound out all sorts of interpretations. Of motives. And, like you forget or don't know the history that led up to certain actions which began in February 2022 in the Ukraine. And, on the reverse side of that, how when we send missiles to Ukraine to launch into Russia and the Russian assert that would be a clear signal to them of an act of war by America and its allies, that we assume they are bluffing. So, Joe for his swansong seems to be quite possibly going all in and calling their bluff? Joe? C'mon man! WWI happened. WWII happened. WWIII ... no, that won't happen. We live on the side of a mountain overlooking Manhattan Island. Dread the day this Pollack will see a big mushroom rise above ground zero in Times Square from his back porch.

Is it soup yet? These things are all out there. If you want me to prove to you down to the last iota, forget about it. You probably won't change your mind anyway. And, I'm not gonna bust my pick on anyone's rock hard head. I'm merely suggesting you give all this a thought, and add it into your seeing going forward. If not, fine ... if that's the way you wanna be. It's there, if you are willing to look ... and see.

The thing is that all this passes so much for usual speech by pols, marketers, and the media that it glosses over our critical thinking. And, it's not just one thing here, and other one there. It's all mixed together into a thick soup. Duck soup. A thick "proper gander". Served up so deliciously by our favorite talking head[s] so it'll be tasty time after time. So non-stop and consistently on message we become inured to it.

Mendacity. Let's assume that all of what we get from the pols, the media, the marketers is what they themselves sincerely believe to be true. And, motivated by the best intentions. Good souls every one. That is certainly what they would want us to believe. That, by the way, is not just words, but pictures too. A picture is worth a thousand words. Remember the on-site reporter with fire and mayhem in the background saying how it's mostly a peaceful protest. Like Gaza from the Moon is just a pin prick. Or, how showing a portion of an image can slant the interpretation in ways the full image would reveal the opposite actuality. Or, the mounted border patrol officers whipping the alien border crossers.

But, the foregoing assumes righteous motives. Surely the people who rise to positions of power are they not the best of us? Or, are they just those that know how to get there. Climbers. People who get elected are first and foremost good at getting elected. At governance and statecraft ... well. The news is as good a picture on that as there is. Oh, boy!

And, what if their motives are less than pure? Witness the fortunes folks leave office with. There's a humble little $14 million estate on Martha's Vineyard. And, that's just one of their homes. I wonder what's really at stake when we see Kamala spend one billion plus dollars [and, they're still fundraising] for her losing election bid. A billion dollars! What are the stakes? Or, maybe we should be asking, what is the prize? Book deals and speaking engagements after office for buku bucks? A chance to be the one on top? Let's not even get into the price paid for how Bibi got his 58 standing ovations in Congress.

I think we've seen enough of how some folks are so convinced of the correctness of their position that they've gone full tilt on the ends justifying the means. Even, perhaps, getting into illegalities and unconstitutionalities when the stakes — which they themselves have characterized as such — are so dire if the other should prevail that by any means necessary is justified. Do I need to mention how some dumbass could take up arms to put an end to the monster? Oh, yes, let's tone down the rhetoric. That lasted a while ... a day or so. Then "fascist" was back to be beaten down at the pols. But, please, not violently. Even though the prospect is not just violent, but the extinction of life as we know it.  Sometimes I think the bullshit is so usually thick and ever spread around that we take it as part of the scenery. Like, who doesn't think pols lie during the election campaigns, then it all drops away after. We accept lying as part of the culture? Seems. Smiling photo ops with the monster soon to live in the White House. 

But, we bought into all that, and now the bum is going to the Oval, and there'll be a peaceful transfer of power. Like we're handing over our country to the devil? Really. Hope they can get the BS smell out the carpets at the White House. Just heard Joe and Mika talking about talking with the new Prez, instead of just talking [down] about him. Opening lines of communications. Wow! [Never mind how come. Some say falling ratings.] I'm for it. Maybe things are turning around. 

Artificial Intelligence. Like I'm gonna settle the subject in a paragraph or two. Sure. AI is, if it's anything, it's artificial. Remember that. And like everything is this dualistic reality we have been born into, there's some good and some bad in ever last bit of thing. AI is the apotheosis of the idea that Humans will create a heaven on Earth given enough information, and the right information. Combined, of course, by some brainy, wet-behind-the-ears algorithm writer conjuring the ways formulae for how things get put together. Right. What assumptions indoctrated into their gray matter are they enconsciosly introducing into that supposed flawless, self-correcting system? What could go wrong? Not to worry. In the hubris of science and technology we are confident that whatever unforeseen and unintended negative consequences what may arise, we'll be able to solve them. Scientifically, and technologically. Sure. 

Artificial Intelligence only gives back what you put in. Of course, it theoretically will be able to cross link and dive deep into the data. Used to be something called demographics. Marketers and narrative shapers use it to learn behaviors and attitudes in categories based on age, income, sex, education, location. Based on information about those parameters we can have a sense of who's who and what's what with them. And, how to reach them. And, with what message. Folding in researched data on attitudes and usage among those categories. Like you don't sell denture adhesive to teenagers. It would be a waste of time and plain common sense to try to get at what such brands teen girls prefer; and, what color. But, if I'd have to guess, I'd guess it would be pink. 

The thing with AI is that demographic data will explode exponentially. We'll be able to categorize the citizenry into whatever groups we can conjure. Great for efficiency in reaching target audiences. Say I'm selling whachamacallits. AI will give me the exact description of just who and where they are and how to tailor my sales message to get the most of them to make a sale. Great. Even maybe sort out a TV viewing audience to such a granular level that I can get my advertising message to just that select prime target audience. No waste talking to those who are whachmacllit adverse. Like that.

Data collection will be a big part of it. Theoretically AI will be able to get a detailed description of ever last one of us; down to how much tissue we use to wipe our individual asses, and our particular style of doing so. Not that that would be a big point of inquiry. Just to illustrate the granular detail what can be gleaned for data collecting our purchase patterns, usage, and viewing habits. Again, with such fine detail, pols could tailor messages to fit the likes of each one of us, and deliver just that right message uniquely to each selected target group. 

But, speaking of targets, don't discount the possibility that some bright one will figure out how to pick out the undesirables and deplorables. Not just as a group, but by ranking of undesirability and deplorability. See the movie Minority Report to get a good dose of that possible use. Or, with the profit motive ruling the zeitgeist, we'll be able to pick out the least and non-productive in society and convert them into Soilent Green. Another must see movie for when Human life turns into a story of corporate greed taken to its final limits.

Speculation and assumptions. Simply same old, same old. Particularly pernicious in the political sphere in the media where knowing ones suggest what will be based on their opinions and assumptions. Stating opinions as facts. And, delivered with a Rachel Maddow smug certainty and confident sounding logic dressed up with a panoply of broad facial and gestural ticks worth every penny of her $30 million salary. Get that? 30 million really big ones. For what? Reading the news. No, for convincing us what's what. That's were her value is calculated. And, the whole lot of them, their messaging laced through with some of the other points previously mentioned; not the least of which being that they may also either have a ax to grind, or an agenda to promote. 

Net, net the conversation is so poluted that it's hard to grok what is real. Never mind getting into whether any of it is really real, in terms of ultimate Reality. Which we know the answer to that already. But, we're here and we do have to deal with it. And, another but, on what basis do we ascertain what's real? Hint: by getting real ourselves. But, that's whole another thing. And, only when one is ready to go there. 

Literal interpretation. All the pols encourage us to "fight". When there's actually a fight, however, then we can turn around and castigate the one who we can pin it on to be the one who called for that fight. I'm not gonna try to untangle January 6. Just to say that it was an unfortunate incident, but a good excuse to pile on DT for encouraging the overthrow of the government. Like a rag tag bunch like that could pull that off. Geez! And, let's not discount that there may have been some behind the scenes skulduggery by the opposition working clandestine in the mix. Don't know. But, wouldn't put it past either. Conspiracy theory. Maybe. But, remember, when the end of civilization is at stake, what would you do? Whatever it takes. That devil, what a trickster! 

Selective editing. It's no secret that the news media frames our reality. Except for the New York Times which includes everything that fits into its print, the news media has to select what is news. Editorial choice it's called. Slant? You bet. Been that way since ever. Even before paper. The town crier has only so much breath. Selective reporting. Also, let's not overlook bias in how reporters may or may not go after subject for their reportage. What goes in, what stays out. What is moved forward, what goes to the back page. Those, dear new generationers are old timey references to a time when people got their daily news printed with ink on big multiple sheets of cheap paper. A world you never new. Ancient history.

Repetition. Take any or all of the foregoing and repeat it often enough, it becomes engrained fact. Even today I'm hearing DT supportive types repeating that he has a "mandate". They all got the same memo. A case can be made for that concerning some of his main campaign issues; like immigration and public safety. But roughly half the vote went to Harris. If you want to make the case based on Electoral College votes, that's something. But the popular vote should be taken into account by any leader. [Like Joe did. With his promise on day one of unification. Not.] So "mandate" repeated so often as I'm now hearing it seems to just reinforce acceptance of the new administration's policy actions. 

Name calling. DT is the past master of this technique. It's hard ball, but effective. Nicknames that stick when the shoe fits. "Crooked Hillary." "Sleepy Joe." "Tampon Tim." "Crazy Bernie." "Low Energy Jeb." "Meatball Ron" [DeSantis]. "Little Marco." And, my all time favorite, "Pocahontas." And, of course, "Rocket Man". And let's not overlook "MSDNC". And finally, the possibly very best of the worst, "Kung Flu".

And, all of that listed ... that's what goes into what I call narrative framing. 


Summing up. Raise your hand if you got this far. So what are we to make of all that? Assuming you even agree with any of it, or are willing to even consider any it. It does come down to this: trust. Doesn't it? With all the trickery, deception, misinformation, and crafty spinning the real loss is in trust.

Society operates on a good deal of trust. Now, even going to visit my beloved second home, New York City, I'm loath to venture there. Reports of random violence abound. In the day I wouldn't think twice about crossing Central Park on foot at night. And, even then, it was not considered a safe thing to do. Now? As I said, I live 12 miles away from Times Square and don't have any intention of setting foot. The crowded streets is reason enough not to venture. 

With all the news about "deep state" machinations, goverment malfeasance and foolishness, electoral politics deceptions, and all the aforementioned other stuff that clouds public discourse, trust as a baseline assumption in social commerce is starting to look a little tattered. Threadbare. No wonder every too so often some fool goes nuts and shoots random victims for reasons that no one seems to understand. Talk about root causes. Who is it again with the expertise for sussing out causes? 

What to do?

Here's an idea ...

Miracles are always available. Plan for them. It's His Creation remember. What we make of it, is on us. With so much looking down, it's time to look up. Take His Hand.


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