
" "𝐅𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠" "

In this wramble we're using the term "framing" as in the sense of how we see things and events; people. And, how things are presented to us. Context. With mixed in random amounts of present understanding, historical references, judgement, prejudice, triggers, assumptions, preferences, and tendencies. Even the way we see things according to how our mind is structured. Oh, you thought that all minds work the same way. As if. You think? Just look at the political landscape. Two sides, each firmly 'til-do-or-die certain of their rectitude. Mind seems to operate in a dualistic frame. But, Buddha Be Praised!, not inevitably. Or, necessarily. Let's hope so, because if the news of the day is accurate in telling on what's going on ... oh, boy! But that's another topic. Never mind. And, FYI, I don't mind even if you do mind. According to those who know, when you look for the mind, guess what? There's nothing there. Empty. Nada. Zip. Zilch. But, that another

Fucking Election 2024

There's a meme going around making the point that the 2024 election is not about the lesser of two evils, but that 46 is the indisputably true Human being; that is, compared to you know who. Having been in a life career teaching Human Beingness based on fundamental scientific factualities, I have no idea where to begin to unpack that comparison of the two, at this date presumptive, candidates. I will make some observations.  ALERT! Political bias may be on full display.  Seems we're into a level of political competition that puts the fate of the world on the line. My opponent is the end of the world as we know it. No! Your's is! Black and white. Trust. Whom? Do you reflect even that your point of view is just a product of all the media propaganda you've been fed like a fattened Goose? [Did you know there's a statistic that 80% don't read past the headlines.] Time for that Jesus moment, folks.  We're at an end of an era. End of an age. Lots of conflict in the
AI ... Spawn of the Devil? “We must realize that modern civilization is thoroughly oriented towards dehumanizing humanity in every possible way; that is to say, we are fast turning into robots or statues with no human souls. Our task is to get humanized once more.”  — D. T. Suzuki AI is for the ignorant. No, not like "ignorant" like you don't know something or other. But, this: "Ignorant", as in taking the false to be real, and the real to be false. Living distracted by the phantasmagoria. "Asshole" is the le mot juste on that. The foundation basis for Artificial Intelligence is the idea that, if information is good, lots of it is better. And, what could be better than all the information, aggregated and considered by an oh-so-smart computer. Who would argue with that? A computer what got it's origin inputs from who knows and where. As far as that goes, like it's a virtual cubby hole of all the known facts — can AI know any new facts, or just

Leadership 2024

Leadership 2024 It’s currently now the year 2024, and in the US of A we’re gonna vote for President this November.  Some choice. Each side making the strenuous case for a mountain of evidence that the other is ... THE WORST!  Hate. Hate. Hate. Black and white. You like him — the red one ... we will cancel you! You like him — the blue one... we'll cancel you!! Third party candidate gets your vote? ... we'll both cancel you!!! Is that what we want from our leaders? For ourselves.  Unless you are already so unconsciously soaked in whichever's narrative side of the aisle propaganda what's been drilled into your head, you most probably lack the self awareness to see above the fray. Or even comprehend there might be another way to look at it. Or — amazing — that there's a level of perspective that sees the game for what it is. A game. Just to win you and me to a side and then steer the ship of state in the right direction. And, maybe, cash in a bit to boot. The saintly Ob

𝐆𝐚𝐲 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡! 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐒𝐨 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭?

It's Gay Pride Month!  WRITER'S NOTE: This post was originally taken down for violating Google's standards. The offending item — as far as I can tell, since I wasn't told specifically — was a photo of two men in the back of a pickup truck in a parade in hometown US of A. Families with kids lining the street. The boys were dressed in full S&M leathers, one bare ass, in a strangle hold by the other. In a video of this same duo our "bottom" fellow is being symbolically whipped by his "top". Just good family fun on the sunny streets of suburbia; but not on a Google blog.  Onward ... [Now with an imagined multi-cultural, inclusive national flag as the lead photo.] Let's jump that shark.  Hey You! Stop Being Queer! That's Just So Queer!  I know I'm on thin ice here. Seems anyone that even appears to look like being against the LBGTQ+ thing is a not-woke asshole. No contest ... my ex-wife et al have proven that case. [In their minds, that i

Vapid Pols

I'm critical of the current Democrat Party for what in my view is not having anything to offer other than spitting out whatever the latest focus group suggests will get a vote. And, with no end in sight to driving with a tank full of "Not Trump" They have made out the opponents be so evil as to represent an existential threat to the country. What could go wrong with that? Joe's idea of unity is when everybody agrees with him. In 2024, whoever is the Dem candidate, the strategy will be, "Still Better Than Trump". And, that's irrespective of whether DT will in fact run again.  Isn't it foreseeable that some Joe Blow's could get it into their heads to do some real damage given that the stakes have been raised to a do or die level? Don't way I didn't warn on this.

Game On!

We are living in interesting times. For ... sure. I've been watching the political rhetoric in this US of A over the last several years and the ante of "anti" seems to have been raised to the point now where we're all in. One side sees the other as the devil incarnate. The other side ... pretty much the same thing. Maybe with different words. Pick a side! When you caste the situation in absolute, black and white terms I don't see any way forward with that except to some sort of violent confrontation. Scorched earth outcome, when you draw it out to its final end point. The problem with political rhetoric spewed out in world-ending, cataclysmic terms is that it can put someone or someone's in mind to do something about that.  Pols frighten me with their words. Calling the other the devil, a fascist, a nazi, a war criminal, a murderer, a mad man, a pariah ... them's fightin' words, bruh. I don't get that those slinging that stuff have any more motive